(1) The Duo 1 main tee shall be hung on soft galvanize rod or 2.5mm wire, accurately leveled.
Suspension clips shall be spaced at 1200mm centres along the Duo 1 main tee.
(5) Duo 1 main tees to be spaced at 1200mm centres.
Duo H X 1200 cross tees shall intersect main tees at 600mm centres and be positively locked together
(3) Duo 2 x 600 cross tees are to be spaced at 600mm and shall intersect Duo H 1200 cross tees at 600mm centres and be positively locked together.
Wall angle shall be securely fixed to the wall at 600mm centres providing a true level edge.
The suspension hangers, main tees and cross tees shall be spaced as not to exceed the design ceiling load, or as required to prevent deflection, in excess
of 1/360 of the span of cross tee or main tee.
Extra hangers are to be provided for light fittings and conditioning units etc.
All light fittings are to be supported on the main tee.
Download our Rondo warranty and installation guide below

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