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index Acoustic Ceiling Tiles for Hospitality | Australian Plaster Acoustics


Acoustic Ceiling Tiles for the Hospitality Industry

Looking for acoustic ceiling tiles?

If you are in the hospitality industry excessive noise levels, can harm your bottom line.

Acoustic management is particulary important especially in an industry that depends on customer experience. Businesses whose primary activities are the provision of accommodation, provision of food or entertainment all depend on user experience. High noise level can really affects service. For example, wait staff may struggle to hear orders, patrons struggle to enjoy dinner conversations or simply just need quiet for a good night's rest.

Quiet Sound acoustics is the new generation of plaster acoustic tiles specifically designed for commercial application in the hospitality industry such as restaurants, hotels, pub, clubs and casinos.

Star City Casino, Sydney

Craftone Collection - Casino

Acoustic ceiling installation main gaming room.


Acoustic Tiles at Star City Casino, Sydney
stanford hotel acoustic ceiling

Stanford Hotel

New York Collection - Cell Air

Acoustic ceiling installation at hotel cafe.


Kingsrove RSL

Lightweight Plaster Acoustic Tile Collection - Random Hole

Acoustic ceiling installation at the clubs auditorium.


Acoustic Tiles at Kingsrove RSL

Stanford Hotel

Acoustic ceiling installation at hotel cafe.

Kingsrove RSL

Acoustic ceiling installation at the clubs auditorium.

Stanford Hotel

Cell Air New York Collection plaster acoustic tile installation.
Details here

Star City Casino

Casino Craftstone Collection plaster acoustic tile installation.
Details here

Kingsgrove RSL

Random Hole Lightweight plaster acoustic tile installation.
Details here

Why Acoustics Matters in Restaurants, Clubs and any business in the Hospitality Industry

After service, noise is the second most common restaurant complaint. The greater the restaurant background noise, the less likely diners are going to appreciate the food you dished up, the less likely they are to consider returning

Noise can affect almost all areas on which a restaurant is judged – food, service and atmosphere – and for most modern restaurants, that is bad news.

Studies indicating that excessive noise can actually alter the way we taste our food, why aren’t steps being taken towards reducing restaurant noise? More details here

Modern restaurants have a common flaw – they are designed with looks, rather than comfort, in mind. The sleek, modern restaurants created by glass, tiles and bare tables propagate noise. Being highly reflective, they increase, rather than reduce noise, extending the life span of sound in a room and adding to the ambient noise in a restaurant,.

All our products are made in Australia in our factory at Mortdale, NSW.

We are 100% Australian owned and operated. Our quality is guaranteed.

Be assured that you are supporting a local business if you choose our products