industry Plaster Acoustics in Industry | Australian Plaster Acoustics

Plaster Acoustic Tile Applications

Plaster Acoustics in Industry

An outline of applications for plaster acoustic tiles in various industries .

  • Education

    • Poor acoustics can have a detrimental effect upon students academic performance and teachers vocal health. This makes acoustics fundamentally important to learning environments.

    • Universities
    • Schools
    • Day Care facilites
    • Training facilities

  • Hospitality

    • In the hospitality industry, excessive noise levels can harm your bottom line. High noise level affects service as wait staff struggle to hear orders, patrons struggle to enjoy conversations.

    • Restaurants
    • Cafeterias
    • Kitchens
    • Pubs

  • Government

    • Public spaces are meant to improve the ammenity of the area for the community, however with poor acoustic design, quality of life, health, comfort and productivity are reduced.

    • Art Galleries
    • Librarys
    • Swimming pools
    • Hospitals

  • Commercial

    • The importance of good acoustics in an office environment is vital, especially when open plan spaces are common place. Workers productivity, stress and satisfaction can be affected.

    • Offices
    • Functions Centres
    • Shopping Centres
    • Theatres/Cinemas

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